
Please understand that we are working tirelessly to bring you the best options that are available for you and your student while thinking about the education, mental health, physical health and safety of all students. We appreciate your support during these times.

Digital Learning Academy

Digital Learning Academy Registration

All students must re-register for the DL Academy each 9 weeks. 

Once the DL Academy 9 week registration deadline has passed, students will not be allowed to transition from on-campus learning to the Digital Learning Academy. If you register your student for the DL Academy, they will remain a DL Academy student for the remainder of the 9 weeks.  

Digital Learning Academy is available for grades K-12. Daily attendance will be taken and a minimum of 6 and 1/2 hours of instruction a day will be delivered that may include:

  • Video lessons recorded by the teacher

  • Videos uploaded by the teacher

  • Assignments through a computer program

  • Documents for independent work

  • Other means to provide equitable instruction

Once you transition to the Digital Learning Academy, you will remain a DL Academy student for the remainder of the 9 week period.


DL Academy registration is for 9 weeks. We will open DL registration one week before the end of each nine weeks to register your child for the following 9 week period.

  • Fourth 9 week registration window: Mar 1 - Mar 3 (ending 5:00 PM)

Link to Digital Learning Academy Registration:

FAQ for the Digital Learning Academy

Review the Digital Learning Academy Handbook to answer most questions!

Do I still need to register my student for GCSSD?
Yes! All GCSSD students must fill out the new/returning student registration through Parent Portal. Student will not be allowed to participate as a GCSSD student without a completed registration. (If you do not know your log-in information, contact your local school)

Are there any additional forms to fill out?

Digital Learning Content Permission Form (required for ALL students)
Form link is located at under COVID-19 Information > Digital Learning Content Permission Form or click HERE.

I missed the deadline for requesting a device for my child? Now what do I do?
Make sure that you have exhausted all resources for device access. 

GCSSD has a limited number of devices for students. If you missed the deadline and can't provide access for your student, please contact your school about transitioning back to on-campus learning or contact Kary Parchman (

Will I still be required to pick-up and drop-off materials?
Yes. Any teacher can require packet pick-up and material drop-off to ensure student work is being graded and verified to ensure the student is on pace with  continuing their learning journey. 

How long can I keep the district provided device?
All Digital Learning Academy students must re-register each 9 weeks. The loaned device is due 1 week after the student transitions back to on-campus learning.

How do I access the learning materials and assignments?
Log in to Schoology. Click here for more information:

Food Service for Digital Learning Academy Students

Students that choose to participate in the Digital Learning Academy will still be offered daily meal pick-up. To receive meals, parents/guardians will need to call the school of which the student is enrolled in by 8:30 AM each day to order breakfast, lunch or both. Meal pick-up by the student or guardian will be at 10:30 AM each day. Meals must be ordered and picked-up at the student’s enrolled location.

  • Monthly meal menus* can be found at local school websites, the GCSSD app or the district website at under For Parents > Cafeteria (Menu items may be subject to change.)

  • Meal order must be placed by 8:30 AM daily. Call the office of your student’s school to place an order.

  • Meal pick-up will be daily at 10:30 AM from the front office of your student’s school. Please ring doorbell for service.

  • A student or guardian will be asked to sign for the meals received.

If Gibson County Special School District transitions operating level to a level 1 or 2, meal delivery options will be available for all GCSSD students. Information on the delivery order and process will be communicated via social media and district/school websites.


USDA has released COVID-19 flexibilities to allow ALL children 18 years and under to receive free breakfast and lunch through the school meal program. This decision will help ensure children have access to nutritious meals as the country recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. The new flexibility is effective September 1, 2020, and will extend through the end of the 2020-21 School Year.

Digital Learning Academy Device Guidelines

A limited number of devices are being provided for DL Academy students who do not have access to a device. The devices are to be used to engage in learning activities provided by teachers. Students are expected to follow usage guidelines and to use caution in handling the equipment.

All aspects of District Policy 4.406 and the Responsible Use of Technologies applies to the use of the device and Internet access.

  • Users may not install unauthorized games, programs or files. Users may not attempt to view or configure network or system settings, files, or programs.

  • Users are not to disclose personal information to non-district persons such as home address, physical description, or any other information that could threaten the safety and security of students.

  • Be cautious in the use and storage of your assigned device. Do not leave it where it could be stepped on or easily bumped off furniture or counter-tops.

  • The District reserves the right to monitor, track, and log network access and may revoke access privileges.

Devices and chargers must be returned to the students assigned school building after the duration of the Digital Learning Academy is completed. Failure to return items will result in an obligation equal to the value of the device and/or charger.

Devices are configured with an Internet filter to prevent users from accessing sites that are inappropriate for educational use. Filtering may be updated periodically to include newly discovered sites that are inappropriate and override blocked sites that are determined to be appropriate. Users may not use software, alter proxy settings, or use any other means to bypass the District’s filter.

Technology Service and Support

Students/Parents should fill out a HelpDesk Request for access to technology support. District devices may not be tampered with or repaired by anyone outside of the District’s Technology Department.

Any damage believed by school administrators to have been caused deliberately or through misuse or neglect will be classified as vandalism. Thefts must be reported to your principal immediately. The district will not cover loss or theft, or damage resulting from deliberate misuse or neglect. Students/parents are responsible for replacement costs. 

Technology Support and Troubleshooting

If you need technology support for a student device or application, please review the notes below. If you need additional help, please submit a service request here.

Restart: Many hardware, software, and application issues are solved with a device restart.

iPad: Press and hold the power button until you are prompted on the screen to shut down.
Laptop: Choose the Restart option from the Windows -> Power Icon -> Restart OR press and hold the power button for 10 seconds until the laptop shuts down.

Internet filter: The District operates and enforces a technology protection measure(s) that blocks or filters access to inappropriate matter by minors on District devices. However, on a global network, it is impossible to control all materials. Parents are encouraged to monitor Internet use as possible.

Laptop power issues: Make sure that the two piece charging cable has both sections plugged together tightly.

Logon issues: Restart on the District's Wi-Fi. This can be done in close proximity to a building's front door (sometimes a parking lot).

Schoology access:

Wi-Fi issues:

  • Disconnect and reconnect to the wireless network.

  • Try to connect in different areas of your house.

  • Prioritize internet usage (ex. No gaming during work time).

  • Restart your device (laptop or iPad).

  • Restart the wireless router and modem.

If there is still an issue: Click here to submit a Technology Service Request

Accessing the Internet

The District's Wi-Fi is available while in close proximity to any District building's front door and in most sections of parking lots along the buildings. District devices will connect to the GCSSDWLANnetwork. Students can also sign in to the GCSSDBYOD with their GCSSD Username/Password.

COVID Cares Act money also gave GCSSD the opportunity to provide access points for access to filtered internet in areas throughout Gibson County. As of today, the following community partners have filtered access points available for 24/7 internet access:

Provided by 1Tennessee:

  • Medina City Park on Middle School Rd in Medina (coverage from the football field to the baseball park and parking lots in between)

  • Main Street Grill in Medina

  • Bailey Park in Humboldt

  • Milanos in Humboldt on Main Street

GCSSD has the following locations with hotspots available 24/7 with filtered access. 

Access Point Name: Kajeet Smartbus

  • Poplar Grove Baptist Church - 368 Gibson Wells Brazil Rd, Trenton, TN 38382

  • Gibson City Hall - 2204 Gibson Square, Gibson, TN 38338

  • South Gibson Elementary OLD location - 227 North 2nd St, Medina, TN 38355

  • Cool Springs Church - 37 Cool Springs Rd, Trimble, TN 38259

  • New Bethlehem Church - 161 New Bethlehem Rd, Dyer, TN 38330

  • First Baptist Church - 204 S Poplar St, Kenton, TN 38233